Fovea Hex : Here Is Where We Used To Sing : album release date announced

From Janet Records:


Following the critically-acclaimed NEITHER SPEAK NOR REMAIN SILENT trilogy, it may seem to you as if silence has been reigning quite a while. In reality the Fovea Hex engine resumed its humming and purring after only a brief spell of rest. We just like to take our time. Perhaps you have been wondering where have we been? Well… all along, of course! At times vertical and at other times horizontal, at times singular and at other times plural, in darkness and in light – in assorted rooms, studios, caves, stables, attics, hotel rooms, and lodges, where we have spent a certain amount of time not playing anything at all, but just sitting there – maybe speaking, maybe not. The rest of the time we might have been found plucking, strumming, humming, intoning, bowing, belling, pressing, singing, striking, bouncing, yelping, forwards, backwards, and mirror-image-wards, and all for those shell-like ears you think of as yours! The usual suspects were there, helping Clodagh Simonds bring these eleven new pieces to light (Laura Sheeran, Cora Venus Lunny, Kate Ellis, Colin Potter, Michael Begg, John Contreras, Julia Kent, Brian Eno, Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo, Marco “Il Bue” Schiavo) and some less usual ones dropped in as well, who prefer to remain nameless, and whose preferences we are always glad to honour…….

And so Fovea Hex unfurls another scroll of gorgeous and uneasy listening, partly grounded, partly shifting, and as wholly beguiling as ever.

And on 18th April.2011, HERE IS WHERE WE USED TO SING will be available in digipak CD, FLAC, MP3 formats. (No pre-orders are being taken but get in touch with us if you’d like to note interest and reserve a copy. Send no money!).

A limited edition of 400 copies will include a bonus cd, THREE BEAMS, featuring remixes of three of the tracks by William Basinski, Colin Potter and Michael Begg. This edition is available exclusively from Janet Records (IRE), Die Stadt (DE), Integrated Circuit (UK) andOmnempathy (UK).

To warm you up, and to keep you sweet until April, enjoy these three small treats….

We also invite you to join us online on Facebook and YouTube – whilst not forgetting those who linger in Myspace……

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